Sonodore battery powered Power Supply PSB-402LI for: RCM-402, CCM-65, BLM-21, LDM-54 and CMA-16.
As part of the initial Sonodore philosophy, all microphone models, except the RCM-402/48V,
are 'active' powered via a separate power supply (PS-402), instead of using
standard phantom power. Phantom-fed microphones are inherently less suitable
for high-quality audio usage since they work as compressors: when, for instance, high
dynamics are required, strong demands are made on the current supply of the phantom.
As a result, the current supply drops drastically and the stereo image and frequency
response collapse with it. To avoid this, the RCM-402 is available in a version with a
separate power supply which allows a high-grade and exceptionally low-distortion
amplifier to be placed directly in the microphone body.
With active powering, the supply current of the microphones flows through a separated wire.
Batteries and sound quality of components
It is a well known and documented fact, that battery powered audio equipment
(separated from the main voltage) sounds substantially better.
There are several plausible reasons for this. Apart from getting rid of the pollution on the
main power,
also the absence of interfering ground currents adds to the improvement also.
The sonic improvements due to battery powering are:
- more softness in the high frequencies
- more robustness in the low frequencies
- a much more relaxed projection of the sound images
- less noise artifacts
- faster reaction time
- an overall much more realistic and pleasant sound
To achieve a higher sound quality than the PS-402, the microphone powering is available
with a battery power: PSB-402.
The PSB-402LI is available in 2 versions:
1) Input 6 pin XLR (+16V -16V and capsule voltage)
Intended for customers who has microphones with 6 pin XLR.
2) Input 4 pin XLR (+60V).
Intended for customers who has microphones with a mains power supply and a 4 pin XLR.

Technical Specifications with a 6 pin XLR
Suitable microphones: LDM-54, RCM-402, CCM-65, BLM-21, CMA-16 (with 6 pin XLR)
Number of channels: 2
Input: 6-pin XLR female connector (+16V -16V and capsule voltage)
Output: 3-pin XLR male connector
Maximum operating time fully charged batteries: 120 Hours
Power requirements: 90-264V, 50/60Hz
Weight: 1,7 kg
Dimensions: 115mm × 95mm × 190mm (4.5” x 3.7” x 7.5”)
Small and light version with external chargers
Weight: 1,1 kg
Dimensions: 115mm × 95mm × 100mm (4.5” x 3.7” x 3.9”)
Manual for charging the PSB-402LI with 6 pin xlr: LI-ION
Manual for charging the PSB-402LI with 6 pin xlr, small version: LI-ION
Manual for charging the PSB-402LI with 6 pin xlr, small version, model 2024: LI-ION
Technical Specifications with a 4 pin XLR
Suitable microphones: LDM-54, RCM-402, CCM-65, BLM-21, CMA-16 (with 4 pin XLR)
Number of channels: 2
Input: 4-pin XLR female connector (+60V)
Output: 3-pin XLR male connector
Maximum operating time fully charged batteries: 30 Hours
Power requirements: 90-264V, 50/60Hz
Weight: 1,4 kg
Dimensions: 115mm × 95mm × 140mm (4.5” x 3.7” x 5.5”)
Manual for charging the PSB-402LI with 4 pin xlr: LI-ION

Sonodore battery powered Power Supply PSB-602 for: RCM-402, CCM-65, BLM-21, LDM-54 and CMA-16.
When a light weight and small power supply is needed, for instance outdoor recording,
the Sonodore power supply PSB-602 is available.
It make use of 4 LI-ion 9V blocks. With fully charged batteries the total recording time is 30 hours.
It's only available for microphones with a 6 pin XLR and +15V -15V.
Technical Specifications
Suitable microphones: LDM-54, RCM-402, CCM-65, BLM-21, CMA-16 (with 6 pin XLR)
Number of channels: 2
Input: 6-pin XLR female connector (+15V -15V and capsule voltage)
Output: 3-pin XLR male connector
Maximum operating time fully charged batteries: 30 Hours
Weight: 0,8 kg
Power requirements: 4 Li-ion 9V blocks
Dimensions: 110mm × 95mm × 100mm (4.3” x 3.7” x 3.9”)
Sonodore price list with Mogami cable