Rens Heijnis custom-built audio equipment
The following microphone cables can be supplied.

The Mogami starquad cable, selected out of 12 cables.
Hard to beat in this price range.
Mogami 2534
Every length of cable is available.

The van Damme Tour Grade classic starquad cable
Hard to beat in this price range.
This cable has a mild tonal balance compared to the Mogami cable.
van Damme XKE
Every length of cable is available.

Tthe van den Hul Integration Hybrid cable.
This cable is only available in gold color.
van den Hul
Every length of cable is available.
The Mogami cable has a more present high, slightly aggressive,
the sound is a bit squeezed and has a narrow stereo image.
The van den Hul cable has a more rich sound and more colors.
The image is very solid and seems to “stick.”
Attack transients seem clearer and more articulate.
If you want more color and warmth than natural: The van den Hul cable.

For the purist a silver cable is available.
The internal wires are made of 99% silver and 1% gold.
When the Mogami cable and the van den Hul cable has there
own sound, the silver cable has no sound of his own.
For the purest and exact reproduction of audio.
Available for 3 pin, 4 pin, 5 pin and 6 pin XLR cables.
Maximum available cable length: 8m

Copper-silver cable.
This cable is more affordable than the silver cable,
but with the same design philosophy.
The internal wires are made of OFC copper with a pure silver coating.
The cable has no sound of his own.
A little less exact reproduction of audio,but way better than any other cable.
Available for 3 pin, 4 pin, 5 pin and 6 pin XLR cables.
Maximum available cable length: 8m.
A few examples of special cable products
All kinds of cables and multi-cables on request
Special Siltech cable for a Brauner microphone.

16 channel multi-core cable. 8 channel Van den Hul 3T muti-core cable

8 channel multi-core cable made with 8 microphone cables. 12 channel multi-core cable, Socapex to XLR .
(The sound quality of seperated microphone cables are
better than a fixed multicore-cable)