Rens Heijnis                                      custom-built audio equipment




Equipment modifications include design and installation of:

  • improved analog electronics for pre-amplifiers, recorders, AD and DA converters and other audio equipment
  • various extra options to existing mixing tables and other audio equipment

A few examples of  modifications

Teletronix (popular tube compressor) circuitry modifications: replacing the transformers for Jensen types Teletronix



Modification of a Fostex active loudspeaker:
Talk Back speaker with light signal (recording signal for the musicians), stereo headphone output,
and relays control of the speaker,so that during recording there is no hum from the speaker to hear


Modified Neumann UM57 microphone: the original sound was sluggish, dull and to little low frequencies.
After changing some capacitors, the microphone is now fuller, more responsive and a more richer sound.